Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Larry was a loved cousin as were his sisters Anita and Deanna. Even though we were "across-the-miles-family" members, Larry was a stronghold for me over many many years. His understanding and encouragement he offered me all this time have me now realizing how very much I depended on his communications. He emailed me faithfully many times weekly with informative forwards that he knew were of interest to me as well. We shared personal periods of our lives together and we were on the same page with so much, and especially our Christian faith. I'm feeling this loss so deeply. I just wasn't ready to lose him so soon. I count it such a blessing that we were members of the same wonderful family. I thank you Larry, my cousin and my wonderful friend. I look forward to seeing you again one of these days. There's no doubt, our Lord's arms have welcomed you home and you have been released from the intense confusion and unsettling moments we've experienced in our world. Rest in God's presence my dear cousin. So many loved you and always will.